Avyukta- A venture of the renowned Shree Shanti Group, is an E- commerce business platform which offers solutions for interior decor requirements. We offer a wide variety of branded products and a huge range of categories from - economic to premium, from daily requirement to luxury products, that helps individuals fulfill their residential as well as commercial space requirements. Avyukta aims at making the buying experience for all end consumers as well as others involved viz. - Architects, Interior Decorators, Contractors, Builders, and Developers in an organized manner through the best possible technology integrations which make the selection process easier than what it is today. This process uproots dependency on physical presence (touch-and-feel method) and combat it with high definition images and detailed information about the product material, texture, dimension etc. Through ‘Bouquet Deals’ and ‘Smart Makeover Facility’, easy accessibility to architects, interior designers and contractors, timely deliveries, Avyukta offers to make interior decor selection and buying experience pleasant, fast and hassle free.